8 Reasons you are Still Unemployed
8 Reasons you are Still Unemployed:

         1) You're not doing any networking.
         2) You're not putting your best foot forward.
         3) you're submitting applications all over the place.
         4) A negative frame of mind
         5) You don't have a strategy.
         6) Your C.V. is inadequate
         7) Mindsets that are negative
         8) You are inequally qualified


Do you keep asking yourself why you're still jobless? Finding a new job is challenging enough, but trying to do it while under the stress of being unemployed is even more difficult! Many individuals believe that sending a résumé to every employer in town with an available position is the best method to get a new job, but this is not the case. There are numerous steps that unemployed job seekers can do to better their job hunt, many of which are frequently overlooked. If you're having problems obtaining new work, there are a few things to consider.


8 reasons you are still unemployed


1) You're not doing any networking.

Your network is one of the most important instruments in your job search. Reach out to everyone, including family members to past coworkers! Everyone you know should know you're seeking the job because they can have you in mind for any opportunities that arise. You should be out there every day conversing, attending networking events, and putting your identity out there in your business now that you're unemployed. It may appear to be a lot of work, so it is, but as a job seeker, it is invaluable. Sitting in front of your computer isn't going to get you quite far!


2) You're not putting your best foot forward.

You must zero in on every aspect an employer sees, from your CV to your cover letter to your telephonic interview abilities, and polish it as much as possible. Make sure all of your emails and conversations with a prospective employer are free of errors. It takes a lot of effort, just like socializing, but presenting yourself properly at every stage of the process is critical to landing your dream job.


3) you're submitting applications all over the place.

Hiring managers will notice when you send the same cover letter and resume to every job posting. Because you applied ten times, they aren't more likely to call you in for an interview.  Applying for any and all positions will simply make recruiters believe you're desperate, and they'll start ignoring your applications. Choose carefully whatever positions you apply for and where you submit.


4) A negative frame of mind

When you've been unemployed for a long time and haven't been able to find work, it's easy to feel discouraged. But it won't help! Keeping an optimistic attitude regarding new prospects and your skills during your unemployed phase will reflect in your interviews. The recruiter will notice if you arrive for an interview dejected and defeated. Consider each appointment or prospective opportunity as a positive step away during your job search.


5) You don't have a strategy.

You may believe that scanning job sites and submitting to any decent opportunity will suffice, but you must be smarter in your search. Make a list of possible job titles, employers, roles, and qualifications that you'll stick to during your hunt. Sign up for email notifications from sites such as empower youth and make strategic applications. This is related to networking; contact with people at companies you're interested in and working your way up to an interview in a logical manner.


8 reasons you are still unemployed


6) Your C.V. is inadequate

 Because your CV is the first impression a new potential employer will get of you, it's critical that your job history, experience, and qualifications are current and relevant to the area you're looking for. For companies to contact you, keep in mind that you include a genuine email address and phone number.


7) Mindsets that are negative

When you've been unemployed for a long time and haven't been able to find work, it's easy to feel discouraged. It also doesn't help you perform effectively in interviews. Keeping an optimistic attitude regarding new prospects and your skills during your unemployed phase will appear in your interviews. It'll be noticed if you arrive for an interview dejected and discouraged. Treat each interview or prospective opportunity as a good step away during your job search.


8) You are inequally qualified

A bachelor's degree does not automatically qualify you for higher-paying work, but it can render you overqualified for entry-level positions. Employers don't perceive you as a safe bet when you're fresh out of university and can't get an entry-level job; they assume you'll eventually find a position more matched to your education and leave them the first chance you get. Finding the proper work level is crucial since aiming too low or too high will both harm you. Demonstrate that you are worth the expense at all times.



Your ability to land the job rests in your hands, and once you make some adjustments, your unemployment will end.


kashish budhiraja
An excellent digital marketing & social media practitioner with over 3 years' experience in digital marketing. Done Certified diploma (Computer application, web design (specialization in WordPress), project management, and digital marketing. A certified AdWords and SEO Professional. Working Recently as a Digital Marketing Manager in DSB Law Group.